Updated on January 2nd, 2023
The following is a guest post from our friends at I Spy DIY.
Photo by Tommy Ton
I am in love with color oxfords, and painting on a bright sole is the perfect way to reinvent a pair of shoes already in your closet.

Supplies: Masking tape, Silver spray paint, blue acrylic paint, paint brush, oxfords

Tape around the area that you want silver. Spray paint the area in thin layers to avoid the paint from pooling.

After the paint dries, paint the sole blue.
If you do not have a steady hand, tape off the area you do not want blue.

I am a fan of wearing white all year round, but if you are not, wear with dark trousers or jeans.
It adds the perfect pop of color to a monotone outfit.
I hear this DIY is in ELLE France, if any of my French readers have it, I would love to see!
Did you paint the bottom or only around the edges?